Title: Biometric quality: Push towards zero error biometrics
Elham Tabassi
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Monday Nov. 25th 10:00am at EB 3105
Abstract: Many
large-scale biometric deployments (such as UIDAI, US-VISIT, or EU-VIS)
mandate measuring and reporting of quality scores. If a low quality
value is predictive of recognition failure (primarily a false negative,
but possibly a false positive too), then a new sample can be collected
while the subject is still present. Therefore, quality analysis is most
helpful when the measures reflect the performance sensitivities of one
or more target biometric matchers. NIST addressed this problem in
August 2004 when it issued the NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ)
algorithm. Since then NIST has been considering how quality measures
should be evaluated, definition and development of quality measures for
other biometrics, and the wider use of such measures. In addition NIST
is active in the SC37 standardization activities on biometric quality
and sample conformance. Elham Tabassi is a researcher at
National Institute of Standards and Technology working on various
biometric research projects including biometric sample quality, fusion,
and performance assessment. She is the principal architect of
NIST Fingerprint Image Quality (NFIQ) which has become the defacto
standard for measuring fingerprint image quality and is currently
deployed in some of US Government and EU biometric applications. Host: Dr. Anil Jain |