Title: Social Media for Individuals with Chronic Illness
Jina Huh
Assistant Professor
Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media
Michigan State University
Social media provides valuable opportunities for patients to receive health information from both peer patients as well as health professionals. In this talk, I present three projects to discuss how social, technical, and medical perspectives play into my research agenda in designing social media for individuals with chronic illness. The first two projects will examine social and technical challenges in weaving clinical expertise into peer-patient conversations in online community settings using WebMD.com's health community forums. The third study will compare motivations and cultural differences in YouTube users with HIV, diabetes, and cancer and present how medical issues influence both social and technical aspects of designing social media for health. I end with future work, touching on how my research can lead to grant and collaboration opportunities.
Jina Huh just joined Michigan State University this fall as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the College of Nursing. She is interested in designing social media for health using social computing, human computer interaction, and text mining research. She served as program committee for ACM CHI and CSCW conferences, and her work received Honorable Mention Award at ACM CHI and is nominated for the Distinguished Paper Award at this year's American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Meeting. Before coming to Michigan, she was a National Library of Medicine Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She received her PhD from the University of Michigan School of Information, a Masters from the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, and a Bachelors in Multimedia Design from Korea National University of Arts School of Film and Multimedia.
Dr. Guoliang Xing and Dr. Xiaoming Liu