Computer Science and Engineering Department
Michigan State University
2000 Publications
B.H.C. Cheng and Y. Chen, "A Semantic Foundation for Specification Matching," in Foundations of Component-Based Systems, Eds. M.Sitaraman and G. Leavens, Cambridge University Press, 2000.
B.H.C. Cheng and E.Y. Wang, "Formalizing the Functional Model within Object-Oriented Design," in International Journal on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 1, February 2000, pp. 5-30.
B.H.C. Cheng and D. Weiss, "Requirements Engineering: Integrating Technology," in IEEE Software, May 2000.
B.H.C. Cheng and L.A. Campbell, "Object-Oriented Modeling and Automated Analysis of a Telemedicine Application," in IEEE International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, November 2000.
B.H.C. Cheng, L.A. Campbell and E.Y. Wang, "Enabling Automated Analysis through Object-Oriented Modeling Diagrams," in Proceedings of IEEE Dependable Systems and Networks (FTCS-30 and DCCA-8), New York, NY, June 2000.
M.J. Chung,
P. Kwon and B. Pentland, "XML Based Process Management System," in Conference
of Intelligent Systems in Design and Manufacturing II, pp.348-355, ed. By
Gopalakrishnan and Gunaekaren, Nov. 2000, Boston, Massachusetts.
Kwon, M.J. Chung and B. Pentland, "A Formal Approach to Integrate Design
and Manufacturing Processes," CD Rom Proc. of DETC Design Automation Conference, September 2000, Baltimore,
L. Dillon, "Automated Support for Testing
Science and Applications of Nanotubes, Eds. D. Tomanek and R. Enbody, Fundamental Materials Research Series, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000
Horoi, R. Enbody, and D. Tomanek, "High Performance Implementation of a Carbon Molecular Dynamics Code on a Cluster of Workstations," in American Physics Society, March, 2000.
B.D. Gannod, A-H. Esfahanian and E. Torng, "Source-Limited Inclusive Routing: A New Paradigm for Multicast Communication," in NETWORKS, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 40-55, 2000.
W.K. Liao, A-H. Esfahanian and L.M. Ni, "Flow
Control for ABR Dispersity Muticasting," in IEEE ICCCN2000, pp. 598 –
603, Oct. 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada.
W. Tang,
F. Du, M. W. Mutka, L. M. Ni, and A-H. Esfahanian, "Supporting Global
Replicated Services by a Routing-Metric-Aware DNS," in The Second
International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E- commerce and Web-based
Information Systems, pp. 67-72, June 2000.
L. Cheng and H.D. Hughes, "An ATM Traffic Model Based on Empirical Traffic Measurements," in Int. Jol. of Modeling & Simulation, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 200-212, June 2000.
E. He, H.D. Hughes, F. Du, and X. Dong, "Modeling MPEG Traffic Over Wireless Networks," in Proc. of IEEE ICC, June 2000.
D. Perkins and H.D. Hughes, "A Performance Comparison of Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks," in Proc. of SCS/IEEE Symposium on Performance and Telecommunication Systems, July 2000.
E. He and H.D. Hughes, "Characterizing MPEG Traffic at Intermediate Nodes Over Wireless Networks," in Proc. of Communications Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation Conference, January 2000.
A.K. Jain and S. Pankanti, "Fingerprint Matching
and Classification," in Handbook of Image Processing, A. Bovik (ed.),
pp. 821-835, Academic Press, 2000.
M. Raymer,
W. Punch, E. Goodman, L. Kuhn and A.K. Jain, "Dimensionality Reduction Using
Genetic Algorithms," in IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation, Vol. 4,
No. 2, July 2000.
Y. Zhong, A.K. Jain and M.P. Dubuisson-Jolly,
"Object Tracking Using Deformable Templates," in IEEE Trans. Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 22, pp. 544-549, May 2000.
A.K. Jain and C. Dorai, "3D Object Recognition:
Representation and Matching," in Statistics and Computing, Vol. 10, No.
2, pp. 167-182, 2000.
M.T. Figueiredo, J. Leitao and A.K. Jain,
"Unsupervised Contour Representation and Estimation Using B-Splines and a
Minimum Description Length Criterion," in IEEE Trans. Image Processing,
Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 1075-1087, June 2000.
A.K. Jain, S. Prabhakar, L. Hong and S. Pankanti,
"Filterbank-based Fingerprint Matching," in IEEE Trans. Image Processing,
Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 846-859, May 2000.
Y. Zhong, H.J. Zhang and A.K. Jain, "Automatic
Caption Localization in Compressed Video," in IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 385-393, April 2000.
Y. Zhong and A.K. Jain, "Object Localization Using
Color, Texture and Shape," in Pattern Recognition, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp.
671-684, April 2000.
S. Pankanti, R. Bolle and A.K. Jain, "Biometrics:
The Future of Identification (Guest Editor's Introduction), in IEEE Computer,
pp. 2-5, February 2000.
A.K. Jain, L. Hong and S. Pankanti, "Biometric
Identification," in Comm. ACM, Vol. 43, pp. 90-98, Feb. 2000.
A.K. Jain, R. Duin and J. Mao, "Statistical Pattern
Recognition: A Review," in IEEE Trans. Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, Vol. 22, pp, 4-37, January 2000.
J. Liu and A.K. Jain, "Image-based Form Document
Retrieval," in Pattern Recognition, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 503-513, 2000.
B. Kamgar-Parsi, B. Kamgar-Parsi, J. Dayhoff and
A.K. Jain, "Avoiding Metric Similarity Measure in ATR," in SPIE Aerospace,
Orlando, FL, April 24-28, 2000, Padova, Italy.
N. Ratha, A.K. Jain and D. Rover, "FPGA-Based
Coprocessor for Text String Extraction," in Proc. Computer Architecture for
Machine Perception 2000, Padova, September 2000.
A.Vailaya and A.K. Jain, "Reject Option for
VQ-Based Bayesian Classification," in Proc. 15th Int'l Conference
on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, pp. 48-51, September 2000.
S. Connell, R.M.K. Sinha and A.K. Jain,
"Recognition of Unconstrained On-Line Devanagari Characters", Proc. 15th
Int'l. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, pp. 368-371, September
S. Prabhakar, A.K. Jain, J. Wang, S. Pankanti and
R. Bolle, "Minutia Verification and Classification for Fingerprint Matching,"
in Proc. 15th Int'l. Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Barcelona, pp. 25-29, September 2000.
M. Figueiredo and A.K. Jain, "Unsupervised
Selection and Estimation of Finite Mixture Models," in Proc. 15th
Int'l. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, pp. 87-90, September
D. Gutchess and A.K. Jain, "Automatic Surveillance
Using Omnidirectional and Active Cameras," in Proc. 4th Asian
Conf. Computer Vision, Taipei, Jan. 2000.
R.L. Hsu, A.K. Jain and M. Tuceryan,
"Multiresoution Model Compression Using 3D Wavelets," in Proc. 4th
Asian Conf. Computer Vision, Taipei, Jan. 2000.
Vailaya and A.K. Jain, "Detecting Sky and Vegetation in
Outdoor Images," in Proc. SPIE Conf., San Jose, Jan. 2000.
A. Arora, S. Kulkarni and M. Demirbas, "Resettable Vector Clocks," in Nineteenth ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed computing (PODC) Portland OR, USA. July 2000
S. Kulkarni and A. Arora, "Automating the Addition of Fault-Tolerance," in Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems. Pune, India. September 2000
J. Lee and D.A. Padua, "Hiding Relaxed Memory
Consistency with Compilers," in Proceedings of The IEEE International
Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, October
Y. Solihin, J. Lee, and J. Torrellas, "Adaptively
Mapping Code in an Intelligent Memory Architecture," in Proceedings of the
2nd Workshop on Intelligent Memory Systems, Nov. 2000.
S. Minut, S.
Mahadevan, J. Henderson, and F. Dyer, "Face Recognition using
N. Hernandez and S. Mahadevan, "Hierarchical Memory-Based Reinforcement Learning," in Fifteenth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, (NIPS), Denver, CO, December 2000.
K. Rohanimanesh,
G. Theocharous, and S. Mahadevan, "Hierarchical Map
R. Falk, J.
Henderson, A. Hollingworth, S. Mahadevan, and F. Dyer, "Eye Movements in Human
Face Learning and Recognition," in Annual Meeting of the Cognitive
Science Society, Philadelphia, PA, 2000.
R.J. Falk, J.M. Henderson, S. Mahadevan, and F.C. Dyer, "Eye Movements and Their Function in Human Face Learning and Recognition," Presented at The 8th Object Perception and Memory Workshop, New Orleans, LA, November 2000.
Y. Huang and P.K. McKinley, "Group Leader Election Under Link-State Routing," in Computer Communications, 2000.
E. Fleury, Y. Huang, and P.K. McKinley, "On the Performance and Feasibility of Multicast Core Selection Heuristics," in Networks, John Wiley, 2000.
P.K. McKinley and A.P. Mani, "A Study of Proxy-Based Adaptive Forward Error Correction for Collaborative Computing on Wireless LANs," in IEEE Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT), San Diego, California, January 2001.
P.K. McKinley and S. Gaurav, "Experimental Evaluation of Forward Error Correction on Multicast Audio Streams in Wireless LANs," in ACM Multimedia 2000, Los Angeles, California, October 2000.
P.K. McKinley and J. Li, "Pocket Pavilion: Synchronous Collaborative Browsing for Wireless Handheld Computers," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New York, July 2000.
J.M. Arango and P.K. McKinley, "VGuide: Design and Performance Evaluation of a Synchronous Collaborative Virtual Reality Application," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, New York, July 2000.
P. Mohapatra, H. Thantry, and K. Kant, "Bus Traffic Characterization of SPECweb96 Benchmark," Chapter 4 in Workload Characterization for Computer System Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
F. Wang, P. Mohapatra, S. Mukherjee, and D. Bushmitch, "A Random Early Demotion and Promotion Marker for Assured Services in the Internet," Special Issue on the QoS in the Internet, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, Dec. 2000.
K. Kant and P. Mohapatra, "Scalable Internet Servers: Issues and Challenges," in Performance Evaluation Review, pp. 5-8, September 2000.
K. Kant, R. Iyer, and P. Mohapatra, "Architectural Impact of Secure Socket Layer on Internet Servers," in Int. Conference on Computer Design, 2000.
F. Wang, P. Mohapatra, and S. Mukherjee, "An Application-Based Differentiated Service Model," in IEEE International Conference on Networks, pp. 424-430, 2000.
A. Bakić, M.W. Mutka, and D.T. Rover,
"BRISK: A Portable and Flexible
Distributed Instrumentation System," in Software: Practice and Experience,
vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1353-1373, October 2000.
A. Bakić and M.W. Mutka, "An Integrated Approach to Real-Time System Design and On-Line Performance Visualization with Steering," Proceedings of the Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2000), pp. 141-150, November, 2000
H. Smith and M.W. Mutka, "Fair Link Sharing with Layered Videoconferencing," in Proceedings of Globecom 2000, November, 2000.
W. Tang and M.W. Mutka, "Load Distribution via Static Scheduling and Client Redirection for Replicated Web Servers," in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scalable Web Services, pp. 127-133, August, 2000.
W. Tang, F. Du, M.W. Mutka, L. Ni, and A. Esfahanian, "Supporting Global Replicated Services by a Routing-Metric-Aware DNS," in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems (WECWIS 2000), pp. 67-74, June, 2000.
W. Tang and M.W. Mutka, "Intelligent Browser Initiated Server Pushing," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC-2000), pp. 17-23, February, 2000.
D.T. Rover, B. Cheng, C.-L. Wey, and M.W. Mutka, "Incorporating Large-Scale Projects into a Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Embedded Systems," in Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2000), pp. 105-108, August, 2000.
E.V.V. Reed and M.W. Mutka, "Mobile Computing Software Development," in Proceedings of the ASEE Conference on Engineering Education, June, 2000.
X. Xiao and L.M. Ni, "Traffic Engineering with MPLS in the Internet," in IEEE Network, March/April 2000.
M. Yang and L.M. Ni, "Incremental Design of Scalable Interconnection Networks Using Basic Building Blocks," in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, November 2000.
W. Tang, F. Du, M. W. Mutka, L.M. Ni, and A. Esfahanian, "Supporting Global Replicated Services by a Routing-Metric-Aware DNS," accepted to appear in Second International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, June 2000.
X. Dong, F. Du and L. M. Ni, "A dynamically-configurable web-based information system," accepted to appear in Second International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, June 2000.
E. He, F. Du, X. Dong, L.M. Ni and H.D. Hughes, "Video Traffic Modeling Over Wireless Networks," in IEEE International Conference on Communications 2000 (ICC2000), June 2000.
W. Tang, F. Du, M.W. Mutka, L.M. Ni and A.-H. Esfahanian, "Supporting Global Replicated Services by a Routing-Metric-Aware DNS," in The 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems (WECWIS 2000), June, 2000.
X. Dong, F. Du, and L.M. Ni, "DWINS: A Dynamically Configurable Web-based Information System," in the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-Based Information Systems (WECWIS 2000), June, 2000.
W.K. Liao, A.H. Esfahanian and L.M. Ni, "Flow Control for ABR Dispersity Muticasting," in Proc. of the 2000 International Conference on Computer Communication and Networking (ICCCN), Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2000.
C.B. Owen, J. Ford, F. Makedon, T. Steinberg and C. Metaxaki-Kossiondies, "Parallel Text Alignment," in International Journal of Digital Libraries, Volume 3, Issue 1, 100-114, 2000.
A. Ross, C.B. Owen and A. Vailaya, "Models for User
Access Patterns on the Web: Semantic Content
Versus Access History," in Proceedings of WebNet 2000 World Conference of
the WWW, Internet, and Intranet,November 1-4, 2000, San Antonio, TX,
S. Pramanik, J. Li, and J. Ruan, "Performance Analysis of AB-tree," IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2000, New York City, July 31, 2000.
Pramanik, J. Li, and J. Ruan, "Physics of High Dimensional Data Sets in
Euclidean Space and Their Applications," nvited Paper, SSGRR-2000,
Pramanik, J. Li, J. Ruan, and S. Bhattacharjee, "An Efficient Search
Scheme for Very Large Image Databases," in Proceedings of SPIE,
Internet Imaging, San Jose, January 2000.
M.L. Raymer, W.F. Punch,
E.D. Goodman, L.A. Kuhn and A.K. Jain, "Dimensionality Reduction Using Genetic
Algorithms," in IEEE Trans. EC, Vol.
4, No. 2, pg 164-171, July 2000
W. Punch and W. Rand, "Echo
Augmented Genetic Programming, an Evolutionary Computation Architecture for
Agent Control," in GECCO 2000, pg 411-418, Morgan Kaufman, Las Vegas NV,
F. Fernandez, M.
Tomassini, W. Punch, and J.M. Sanchez, "Experimental Study of Isolated
Multipopulation Genetic Programming," in GECCO 2000, pg 536, Morgan
Kaufmann, Las Vegas NV, 2000
F. Fernandez, M.
Tomassini, W. F. Punch III and J. M. Sanchez, "Experimental Study of
Multipopulation Parallel Genetic Programming," in EuroGP 2000 Genetic Programming, Proceedings of EuroGP2000,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 1802, 1-15, 2000.
O. Lukibanov, I. Martinez, T.J. Lenz, C. Radcliffe, M.C. Hawley, and J. Sticklen, "Socharis: The Instantiation of a Strategy for Conceptual Manufacturing Planning," in Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, (2000), vol 14.
O. Lukibanov, I.
Martinez, and J. Sticklen, "Integrated Knowledge-Based Systems for Design and Manufacturing
with Composite Materials: From Hard-Coding to Visual Development," in ICSSEA
'2000, Software Engineering and Applications, 13th International
Conference, CNAM, December 5-8, Paris FR.
Kamel, J. Sticklen, and A. Rafea, "NEPER-Wheat: Integrated Problem Solving Architecture
for Crop Management," in ICSSEA '2000,
Software Engineering and Applications, 13th International
Conference, CNAM, December 5-8, Paris FR.
R.E.K. Stirewalt and S. Rugaber, "The Model-Composition
Problem in User-Interface Generation," in Automated Software Engineering
7(2), April 2000, pp. 101-124.
R. Behrends and R.E.K. Stirewalt, "The Universe Model: An Approach to Improving the Modularity and Reliability of Concurrent Programs," in Proceedings of the ACM SIGSOFT Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, November, 2000, San Diego.
G. Stockman and L. Shapiro (The University of Washington), Computer Vision, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.
P. Albee, G. Stockman and A. Smucker, "Extraction
of Pores from Microtomographic Reconstructions of Intact Soil Aggregates," Argonne
National Lab Tech Report.
B. Kalyanasundaram, K. Pruhs, and E. Torngy, "Errata: A New Algorithm for Scheduling Periodic, Real-Time Tasks," in Algorithmica, 28, pages 269-270, 2000.
M. Brehob, E. Torng, and P. Uthaisombut, "Applying Extra Resource Analysis to Load Balancing," in Journal of Scheduling, 273-288, 2000.
T. Gormley, N. Reingold, E. Torng and J. Westbrook, "Generating Adversaries for Request-Answer Games," in Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 564-565, 2000.
M. Brehob, E. Torng andP. Uthaisombut, "Applying Extra Resource Analysis to Load Balancing," in Proceedings of the 11th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 560-561, 2000.
D. Weinshank and M. Urban-Lurain, "Is There a Role
for Programming in Non-major CS Courses?
D. Weinshank and M. Urban-Lurain, "Attendance and Outcomes in A Large, Collaborative Learning, Performance Assessment Course," Conference Paper: Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Division J, April 27, 2000.
D. Weinshank and M. Urban-Lurain, "Computing Concepts and Competencies," in Interactive Learning: Vignettes from America's Most Wired Campuses, D. Brown (Ed.), Anker Publishing Company, Bolton, MA, 2000
W.S. Hwang and J. Weng, "Hierarchical Discriminant
Regression," in IEEE Trans. Pattern
S. Chen and J. Weng, "State-Based SHOSLIF for
Indoor Visual Navigation," in IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, Vol. 11, No.
6, pp. 1300 - 1314, Nov. 2000.
J. Weng and S. Chen, "Visual Learning with
Navigation as an Example," in IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 15, No. 5,
pp. 63-71, 2000.
Y. Cui and J. Weng, "Appearance-Based Hand Sign
Recognition from Intensity Image Sequences," in Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, Vol. 78, pp. 157-176, 2000.
W.S. Hwang and J. Weng, "Hierarchical Discriminant
Regression for Incremental and Real-Time Image Classification," in 2nd Internaional
Conf. on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Hong Kong,
Dec. 13 - 15, 2000.
J. Weng, W. S. Hwang, Y. Zhang, C. Yang and R.
Smith, "Developmental Humanoids: Humanoids that Develop Skills Automatically,"
in Proc. First IEEE Conf. on Humanoid Robots, MIT, Cambridge, MA, Sept.
7 - 8, 2000.
J. Weng, C.H. Evans and W.S. Hwang, "An Incremental
Learning Method for Face Recognition under Continuous Video Stream," in Fourth
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
Grenoble, France. March 28 - 30, 2000.
J. Weng and W.S. Hwang, "An Incremental Learning Algorithm
with Automatically Derived Discriminating Features," in Asian Conference on
Computer Vision, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 426 - 431, Jan. 8 - 9,
J. White, M.J. Chung and T. Doom, "Candidate Subcircuits for Functional Module Identification in Logic Circuits," in Proceedings of the 10th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, March 2000.