Computer Science Doctoral Program Highly Ranked
The Computer Science Doctoral Program at Michigan State University placed in the top 17% of the United States according to the recently released National Research Council's (NRC) ranking. The NRC’s “Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs” provides two ranking metrics, which are ranges for which the ranking is 90% confident. Of the 126 programs assessed, one ranking (R-ranking) places the MSU's Computer Science Doctoral Program within the top 10%-25% in the U.S., and the other ranking (S-ranking) places MSU in the top 8%-35% in the U.S. When program scores are sorted according to the rankings, MSU's computer science doctoral program falls within the top 17% of all the programs in the U.S.
Further information about the NRC rankings may be found at
(Date Posted: 2018-12-06)