MSU WIC votes in new Eboard after a highly successful year
The MSU Women in Computing voted in a new Eboard after a highly
successful academic year. The EBoard this past year performed
significant fund raising to support about a dozen MSU students to attend
the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing in the fall and
several dozen MSU students to attend the Michigan Celebration of Women
in Computing this spring. They also received funding from NCWIT and
Google for two outreach programs: A technology workshop for girls at
Lansing STEM Academy held earlier this month; and a collaboration with
ITECH and MCWT in which 17 MSU students served as mentors in 2020 Girls
Clubs at four Lansing schools through out the spring semester. Finally,
they carried out an amazing schedule of professional development
programs and social activities for our own students.
Congratulations to newly elected MSU Women in Computing Eboard members:
President: Neha Gupta
Vice President: Meghan Huyhn
Corporate Relations: Lauren Kelley
Treasurer: Courtney Irwin
Secretary: Lauren Allswede
Community Relations: Sarah Fillwock
Outreach: Halle Dymowski
Webmaster: Nicole Lawrence
Community Relations Committee: Lama Aboubakr, Lolaly Luo, and
Cathy Dinsmoor
And many thanks to the out-going Eboard! (See
(Date Posted: 2015-04-27)