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CSE Student awarded Engineering Excellence Service Award

CSE Student awarded Engineering Excellence Service Award

Meghan McNeil, senior in computer science, has been awarded an Engineering Excellence Service Award for 2009-2010 for her contribution to the department, the College of Engineering and MSU. As President of MSUWIC, she has led the largest executive board (8 women) and membership since the organization was founded in 2005.

Most events this year have had high participation. She has invited several companies to campus and has represented MSU at a local and a national conference. It is not just her leadership skills you will find noteworthy, but also her high academic achievement. She spends hours doing the rigorous work in her courses, and has put in endless hours promoting the computing field.

Prof. Laura Dillon and Academic Advisor Teresa VanderSloot nominated Meghan for this award

(Date Posted: 2010-04-29)