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MSU Women in Computing had banner year in 2009-2010

MSU Women in Computing had banner year in 2009-2010

This year, MSU WIC had the largest executive board and membership since the organization was founded in 2005. This is truly exciting! Most WIC functions were attended by 15 or more of the 25 women undergraduate students in the department. In addition, some have had up to 80 participants, both men and women.

MSU WIC functions this past year included: two programming workshops for Lansing-area troops of the Girl Scouts of America; a trip to the Midwest Women in Computing Conference (MidWIC 2009); talks by representatives from Union Pacific Railroad, Priority Health, Google, and Microsoft; a corporate visit to Liquidweb; a video-conference with General Mills; and several dinners, including one with Dr. Mary Jean Harrold from GATECH. MSU WIC also sent three students to the 2009 Grace Hopper Conference.

Many thanks to outgoing executive board members for all their hard work:
President: Meghan McNeil
Vice President: Marie Buckner
Secretary: Dianna Kay
Treasurer: Michele Winsky
Web Masters: Merav Nahoom, Caitlin Russ

Congratulations and welcome to the new executive board members:
President: Dianna Kay
Vice President: Caitlin Russ
Secretary: Cassia Miller
Treasurer: Angela Miraneu
Web Master: Kate Bonnen
University Relations: Devan Sayles

(Date Posted: 2010-04-22)