Student groups elect 2009 – 2010 officers
CSE student organizations provide students with opportunities to have fun, share common interests, and form lasting friendships.
Here is an introduction to next year's student leaders and a summary of student group activities that took place during the 2008-2009 academic year.
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. MSU student chapter activities this year included tutorials, technical talks, Google Summer of Code presentations, and social activities.
Congratulations to the students elected to lead ACM for the coming year:
President - Scott Buffa
Vice President - Steven Garske
Treasurer - Kolé Reece
Secretary - Darren Hong

2009 - 2010 ACM Officers
Thank you to ACM advisor Charles Ofria, Ryan Blair, ACM members, and outgoing officers Stephen Wakeford (President), Mark Schall (Vice President), Andy Inman (Treasurer), and Gina Chernoby (Secretary).
MSU Women In Computing (WIC) seeks to promote, recruit, and retain women while providing educational and networking opportunities for all students.

WIC at the Michigan Celebration of Women in Computing
Activities this year included assisting with and attending the 2009 Michigan Celebration of Women in Computing, hosting industry speakers, a Girl Scout computing workshop, and social activities.
Congratulations to the students elected to lead WIC for the coming year:
President - Meghan McNeil
Vice President - Marie Buckner
Treasurer – Lisa Kelly
Secretary - Dianna Kay
Webmasters - Merav Nahoom and Caitlin Russ
Outreach Coordinator: Michele Wynski
University Relations: Jessica Parks

2009 - 2010 WIC Officers
Thank you to WIC advisors Teresa VanderSloot and Laura Dillon, WIC members, and outgoing officers Gina Chernoby (President), Stephanie Ortiz (Vice President), Dianna Kay (Webmaster), Marie Buckner (Secretary), and Meghan McNeil (Treasurer).
The Computer Science and Engineering Graduate Student Association (CSEGA) promotes leadership, support, and social fellowship in the CSE graduate student community.

2008 Faculty / Graduate Student Picnic
The group keeps graduate students informed of activities and news in the department. CSEGA has played a critical role in promoting department elections for student representatives to department committees.
The following graduate students will serve on department and college committees during the 2009-2010 academic year:
CSE Advisory Committee: Jared Wein
CSE Computing Environment Committee: Brian Connelly
CSE Graduate Studies and Research Committee: Matt Luciw
CSE Department Meetings: Jeff Clune
College Hearing Board: Yi Huang
Thank you to all the CSEGA lab liaisons and members who served on department, college, and university committees during the 2008-2009 academic year:
Lab Liasons
Devolab: Jeff Clune
EI: Paul Cornwell
eLANS: Yuanteng Pei (a.k.a. Jeff)
GARAGe: Ken Horne
GED: Elijah Lowe
LINKS: Zahar Prasov
METLAB: Zubin Abraham
PRIP: Mayur Mudigonda
SENS: Matt McGill
Graduate Student Representatives to Department / College / University Committees
Department Meetings: Yi Huang
Advisory Committee: Jeff Clune
Graduate Studies and Research Committee: Guokai Zeng
Computing Environment Committee: Annette Lettsome
College Hearing Board: Jeff Clune
Engineering Computing Services Advisory Committee: Kayra Hopkins
Council of Graduate Students (COGS): Matt Rupp
(Date Posted: 2009-11-20)