Jain and Pankanti article spotted on CSI: Miami
The popular television crime drama CSI: Miami recently featured a Scientific American article by Anil Jain, University Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, and Sharath Pankanti (PhD '95).
In the show's season 7 episode "Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing," fictional crime scene investigator Ryan Wolfe is reading Jain and Pankanti's article just prior to interacting with forensic evidence. The camera focuses on the article between 17:18 and 17:33.
The article, titled "Beyond Fingerprinting," describes current biometric identification technology, advantages over password and ID-card based systems, and the challenges of designing biometric systems that are secure and accurate.
Read the full text of "Beyond Fingerprinting" [PDF] [Web version]
The Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Laboratory at Michigan State University is a world leader in biometric recognition research and technology. "Biometrics" refers to the automatic recognition of individuals based on their physiological (e.g., face, fingerprint, or iris) and/or behavioral (e.g., signature) characteristics.
Because of increased concerns about terrorist attacks, security breaches, and financial fraud, many systems now require reliable personal recognition schemes to confirm or deny the identity of an individual.
To read more about biometrics research in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at MSU, please visit the Biometrics Research Group Web page.
(Date Posted: 2009-09-09)