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MSU WIC holds computing workshop for Girl Scouts

MSU WIC holds computing workshop for Girl Scouts

MSU Women In Computing (WIC) held a computing workshop for the Girl Scouts Heart of Michigan Council on Saturday, October 25, 2008 in the Engineering Building.

Girl Scout Workshop

Girl Scouts made their own Web pages and created animated stories. They learned about the history of computer animation in feature films. The workshop also provided a brief overview of computing careers and Internet safety.

Marie Buckner; Gina Chernoby; Sarah Deighan; Dianna Kay; Meghan McNeil; Stephanie Ortiz; Jessica Parks; Kim Thompson; Laura Dillon, professor of computer science and engineering; and Teresa VanderSloot, academic specialist, conducted the workshop.

Charles Owen, associate professor of computer science and engineering, advised the group on computer animation history and teaching with Carnegie Mellon University's Alice software. Adam Pitcher and Kelly Climer, CSE systems analysts, provided support for the project.

To view workshop photos, please visit

(Date Posted: 2008-10-28)