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Tong receives NSF grant

Tong receives NSF grant

Yiying Tong was awarded a grant from the NSF Division of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) program Foundations of Computing Processes and Artifacts. The project title is Eigengeometry: Geometric Spectral Computing for Computer Graphics and Computational Science.

Yiying Tong
Yiying Tong

This project on 'Eigengeometry' involves bringing the spectral theoretical developments into the realm of geometric computing. More precisely, the investigators study and develop novel tools for the analysis and processing of not only signals defined over discrete geometric shapes, but of the shapes themselves via spectral theory.

These novel tools, naturally robust to non-uniform sampling and irregular connectivity that meshes inherently contain, are tested on a few selected applications (covering CAGD, brain imaging, and analysis of atmospherical features).

(Date Posted: 2008-07-03)