Girl Scouts explore computing careers

MSU Women In Computing (WIC) conducted a computing workshop for the Girl Scouts of Michigan Capital Council on Saturday, March 15, 2008 in the Engineering Building. Twenty Girl Scouts created their own Web pages and learned about programming concepts using Carnegie Mellon University’s free Alice software. The workshop also provided a brief overview of computing careers and Internet safety.
Women In Computing members Stephanie Cook, Kirsten Partyka, Meghan McNeil, Stephanie Ortiz, Gina Chernoby, and Marie Buckner helped Girl Scouts create Web pages and animated stories. Katie Simonds (BS ‘07) returned to campus to take part in the workshop and speak to Girl Scouts about her experiences working as a database administrator. Adam Pitcher and Kelly Climer, CSE Systems Analysts, provided support for the project.
To view workshop photos, please visit
(Date Posted: 2008-03-19)