High-Assurance Systems Project is Funded
A project in High-Assurance Systems has been awarded funding from MSU's Quality Fund. The project is led by CSE Professors Betty Cheng and Philip McKinley and involves several other faculty across campus: Subir Biswas (ECE), Laura Dillon (CSE), Stuart Gage (Entomology), Sandeep Kulkarni (CSE), Brian Pentland (Accounting), Clark Radcliffe (ME), Kurt Stirewalt (CSE) and Xiaobo Tan (ECE). High-assurance computing systems are those designed to tolerate failures, and even direct attack, in order to continue operation and preserve system integrity. The main objectives of this project are (1) to construct undergraduate and graduate multidisciplinary curricula in high assurance systems; (2) to build a "laboratory chassis" that supports hands-on experiments and designing and testing such systems; and (3) provide undergraduates with multidisciplinary research opportunities in high assurance systems. The set of initial application domains include: embedded control systems for manufacturing and transportation systems; sensor networks and related technologies for homeland security; information assurance technologies for e-commerce and supply chain management; and computing technologies for monitoring and assessing the quality of ecosystems. The project will also enhance outreach linkages to local industry and state government.(Date Posted: 2006-01-27)